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Do you know Lean?

Do you desire to make a difference?
This is your chance to use your Lean skills to
make that difference.  Just one hour can
be a tremendous help for people in need around the world.

“Service is the rent we pay for a room on earth"
Wha is Lean 360

What is Lean 360

Lean 360 is a joint initiative supporting Medair, a Swiss-based humanitarian NGO saving lives and relieving human suffering in the world’s most difficult-to-reach and devastated places; NGOs who are part of NetHope, an IT-focused consortium of NGOs; and ITC Quality Champion programs in developing countries.

Lean 360 aims to connect experienced Lean practitioners with Quality Champions promoting Lean in small and medium enterprises (SME) in developing countries and with Continuous Improvement Champions promoting Lean in non-profit organizations around the world.

One hour of your time can impact a few and that few can impact the world.

The Lean 360º cause is a great way of sharing your experiences while indirectly impacting children’s lives. It brought me satisfaction being able to help such a great cause! I would definitely do it again.

Guilherme Batista
(Lean 360º faculty member).

This programme is a coaching relationship between an experienced and caring Lean professional (the Coach) and a novice Lean practitioner (the Coachee) who eagerly desires to grow in his/her ability to fruitfully apply Lean thinking and tools, and to promote Lean with colleagues and leaders in his/her organisation. All Lean coaching is provided pro bono (at no cost) and virtually.

How does it work


Language Fluency: Verbal English fluency required for presentations

Experience: Minimum 3 years of experience in Lean/TPS

Availability to Coach: 1 hour/week along 3 months. (each 1 hour session will be scheduled according to availability between parties).


Availability to give a Webinar on Lean:​

Virtually 2 hours one time on a mutually aggreable date (1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening of the same day, aligned with the organization time zone).

Give a Webinar

Once your application and topic are matched with a current need you will be scheduled for a time that matches your schedule.

You will receive standardized work that describes the framework for the Webinar, the preparation steps as well as the process for connecting and delivering the Webinar. You will also have the opportunity to be coached by someone who is familiar with the process.

Audience will be either Quality Champions promoting Lean in developing countries or CI Champions promoting Lean in NGOs from around the world who want to increase their knowledge of Lean and how it can help them help others.

Coach a Lean Practicioner

The Lean Practitioners wanting coaching have received basic Lean training and are eager to apply and promote Lean in organisations. They are either Quality Champions promoting Lean in developing countries or CI Champions promoting Lean in NGOs.


Once matched, you will contact and talk with your Coachee to understand his/her needs and to agree on your coaching approach. You and the Coachee will agree on coaching objectives and to meet on a regular basis (we suggest one hour weekly).


Coaching means listening to your Coachee, asking questions and giving suggestions to build the Coachee’s ability to make improvements, train, coach, and promote Lean.



Sign up

Use the application format on the bottom of the site to Sign up as a Coach or Coachee and Give or Receive Lean 360 Online Coaching.

How Does it Work


Your contribution makes a BIG difference

Your contribution of time and knowledge can have a tremendous impact on many people who have begun to learn about Lean and who are eager to benefit from your experience to encourage and guide them as they apply and grow Lean.


You can have a lasting impact that will help developing country SMEs and help NGOs better serve more people in need.


Your name and biography will be featured in the "Social Responsibility" page at Select projects will be featured in case study publications within the lean community.


You will also receive a distinguished Social responsability certificate to thank you for donating your time and knowledge.

Sign Up


as coach

CLICK THE link below to Sign up as a Coach and Give Lean 360 Online Coaching.

as coachee

CLICK THE link below to Sign up as a Coachee and Receive Lean 360 Online Coaching.

Lean 360° series is a non profit initiative. Honsha.ORG and Medair prohibit the use of this webinar and its materials for commecial purposes.

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